Conference Support

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), through its Missing and Exploited Children’s Program (MECP), provides support to juvenile justice practitioners, state and local agencies, and nonprofit organizations for conferences on missing and exploited children’s issues. Conference support can include:

Speaker and presenter assistance: MECP has a network of subject matter experts to deliver workshops that support your mission, goals and stated priorities. MECP can provide speakers, instructors and trainers for missing and exploited children-related workshops and training events.

Logistical support: MECP can provide consultants to facilitate meetings and/or juvenile justice-related focus groups or outreach sessions. Focus groups are planned, facilitated meetings whose purpose is to gather information, exchange views and provide guidance on a particular topic. MECP can also provide the services of staff or a consultant to assist a state or local agency, task force, committee or planning group with organizational activities.

Curriculum and agenda development: MECP can assist with the development of curricula for training events and conferences. Services include adding a module to or adapting an existing curriculum for a new audience, as well as incorporating instructional objectives, content, strategies and evaluation methods into an existing training course or workshop. MECP can also assist with evaluations to ensure curriculum validity.

Organizations that have received conference support under the OJJDP FY 2010 award Support for Conferences on Juvenile Justice are not eligible for MECP support.

Conference support applications must be submitted to the Missing and Exploited Children’s Program at least two (2) months prior to the event. To request conference support, please complete the Conference Support Assistance Form. For more information on conference support, contact MECP at 202-347-5610 or